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09 Mar 2024

The top 5 fire safety challenges faced by data centres today – and how water mist fire protection solutions can address them

Fireworks Fire Protection Ltd Stand: D820
The top 5 fire safety challenges faced by data centres today – and how water mist fire protection solutions can address them
Fireworks installing a data centre water mist fire protection system

Data centres are critical to our interconnected world. With this comes the responsibility to ensure the continuity of these data storage and processing facilities. In this article, we look at the leading fire challenges faced by data centres today and how we at Fireworks are addressing them with water mist fire protection.

1 - Assuring data centre business continuity

Fireworks’ water mist fire protection solutions act locally, directly at the point of fire, allowing data center operations and equipment to continue running during and after fire suppression. The water mist solutions used in data centres by Fireworks Fire Protection have undergone rigorous testing on ICT and other electrical equipment. FM5560 approvals confirm the efficiency of these water mist systems for all areas of data centres. Water mist’s low water requirements compared to traditional sprinklers, mean minimal traces of water remain after activation. This enables uninterrupted power and HVAC systems, eliminating the need to seal off areas and promoting greater business continuity.

2 - Reducing space needed for data centre fire protection

Water mist technology brings major space-saving advantages for data centres compared to traditional sprinkler or gas cylinder fire systems. Fireworks' water mist fire protection solutions require significantly smaller water tanks and pumps, to free up valuable data centre space. Additionally, the installation process is simplified due to the lower number of nozzles required, and much smaller pipes.

3- Finding fire protection solutions that fit with sustainable goals

Water mist fire protection offers significant environmental benefits over other fire protection solutions. No chemicals of any kind are used, while water and power consumption are considerably lower than for sprinklers. Smaller and fewer components reduce the metal resources used by to 30%. Future-proof and easy to extend or adapt with a data centre’s changing requirements, water mist systems are also exceptionally durable when installed and maintained by experienced professionals.

4- Minimising data centre damage from heat and smoke spread in fires

Heat generated by fires is a significant threat to data centres, with some equipment susceptible to damage at relatively low temperatures. Water mist, with its micro-fine droplets, rapidly cools the fire area, quickly suppresses the fire, and prevents reignition. This cooling effect is particularly effective in fires involving electrical materials.

Smoke is also a major contributor to damage and operational failure in data centres during fires. Fireworks' water mist solutions reduce the spread of smoke and corrosive chemicals produced during data centre fires.

5- Protecting data centres from fire in lithium-ion batteries in server racks

The revised FM 5-32 allows equipment in data halls using Li-ion batteries to be protected with automatic water mist systems. Fireworks Fire Protection is  the first fire protection company in the UK to offer water mist systems tested in accordance with the new FM 5-32 specifications for the protection of HC1/HC2/HC3 areas.

Meet  Fireworks Fire Protection at Data Centre World 2024 on Stand D820 to discuss how we can help you meet your fire protection challenges

Fireworks Fire Protection's water mist solutions are redefining fire safety in the rapidly evolving data centre market. From ensuring uninterrupted operations to minimizing environmental impact, trust in our over 30 years of expertise in protecting some of the UK’s largest data centres.

Contact Fireworks Fire Protection on 0800 975 7462 or enquiries@fireworks-ltd.com, for tailored advice on how to strengthen your data centre’s fire safety and business continuity. To explore case studies and more information about fire protection for data centres,  visit https://fireworks-ltd.com/sectors/data-center/



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