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05 Mar 2024

DAXTEN STAND D925: How can wire-free monitoring technology help to use power more efficiently and save energy

Daxten Stand: D925
DAXTEN STAND D925: How can wire-free monitoring technology help to use power more efficiently and save energy

Of course, only metrics that can be measured can be used to identify deficiencies and reduce energy costs. Packet Power’s wire-free radio power and environmental monitoring solution provides you with the perfect database to optimally balance power usage, load distribution and cooling within your data centre, taking a huge step forward in terms of energy and cost efficiency. In addition, the installation can be done using the wire-free monitoring modules in minutes, they configure themselves automatically and share recorded measurement data within your network platforms. To experience how smoothly this works, visit us on the Daxten stand D925 at DCW London 2024. Further information is available on +44 (0)20 8991 6200 or via info.uk@daxten.com and www.daxten.com


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