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06 Mar 2024

DAXTEN STAND D925: Too many steps to reach the top?

Daxten Stand: D925
DAXTEN STAND D925: Too many steps to reach the top?

How many thousands of times per year do data centre professionals have to use steps-ups, podiums, ladders or scaffolding to carry out routine visual inspections, maintenance, repairs and installations on the overhead supply infrastructure or in the upper levels of the cabinets? How many times does this kind of working at height cause body stress and fatigue to users? The answer is in every case: Too often! The solution is simple: The completely manually operated PecoDC and EcoDC people lifters represent the smart alternative to common climbing and lifting aids. These assure that working at the „upper levels“ is safe, more productive, relaxed and great fun! To learn more, how we can ease your DC working life, please visit us on the Daxten stand D925 at DCW London 2024. Further information is available on +44 (0)20 8991 6200 or via info.uk@daxten.com and www.daxten.com




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