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05 Mar 2024

DAXTEN STAND D925: Boost cooling efficiency in data centres by creating turbulent air through stratification fins

Daxten Stand: D925
DAXTEN STAND D925: Boost cooling efficiency in data centres by creating turbulent air through stratification fins

t’s not THAT your air’s moving. It’s HOW your air is moving. Airflow leaving the plenum space through some panels is laminar. Laminar air flows in a straight line, and it flows at a much higher velocity than turbulent air. That means much of the laminar flow tends to flow straight up and bypass the front of the rack. To have the most efficient cooling, you want to create turbulence at the rack inlets. When the airflow is turbulent, it moves at a slower velocity and spreads out more, which in turn delivers more air to the front of the rack. RLE Triad chamfer and slotted panels include patented stratification fins. These fins are designed to create turbulent airflow, delivering more cooling to the racks, where you need it, and maximising the use of your cooling resources. RLE Triad airflow panels achieve almost double the throughput rate of conventional panels achieving 40 to 60% rather than 20 to 30% that standard tiles offer. This prevents hot spot formation and heat-related system outages. On display at the Daxten stand D925 at DCW London 2024. Further information is available on +44 (0)20 8991 6200 or via info.uk@daxten.com  and www.daxten.com


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